HYPP-A Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie
Weed Science & Agronomy

Bayer Code : cheru

Scientific name: Chenopodium rubrum L.

Synonym(s) of Sc. name:

Classification: Chenopodiaceae, Dicotyledonous

Common name: red goosefoot

Synonym(s) of Common name:

Name per country: DE : Roter Gänsefuß ; ES : cenizo rojo ; FR : chénopode rouge ; IT : chenopodio rosso ; PT : ; EN : red goosefoot ; NL : rode ganzevoet ; DK :

Biological type: Annual

Seed snapshot Seed:


Seedling snapshot Seedling:

- Cotyledons lanceolate-linear.

- Leaves ovate-rhomboidal, entire.

Adult plant snapshot Adult plant:

- Height: 15 to 100 cm.

- Stem procumbent to erect, often branched from the base.

- Leaves somewhat fleshy, glabrous, not mealy, ovate to triangular, variable but often deeply lobed, red-tinged.

- Flowers green to reddish in dense clusters arranged in terminal leafy panicles. 3-5 tepals 1 mm.

- Fruit: achene.

- Rare in cultivated fields.

- Not to be confused with: Chenopodium album , Chenopodium ficifolium , Chenopodium glaucum , Chenopodium hybridum , Chenopodium polyspermum .

Biological type: annual.

Mistake with: Chenopodium album , Chenopodium ficifolium , Chenopodium glaucum , Chenopodium hybridum , Chenopodium polyspermum

Ecological profile (click on flags): BeneLux   Present     Germany  Present     Denmark  Rare     Spain  Rare     Great Britain  Present    

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Copyright © 2000-2001 INRA, all rights reserved ; J.-P. Lonchamp, Nov. 2000
http://www.dijon.inra.fr/bga/hyppa/hyppa-a/cheru_ah.htm ,