Combining Technologies to achieve significant binary Reductions in Sodium, Fat and Sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimizing their nutritional Quality

TeRiFiQ Conference

Reducing salt, fat and sugar in everyday foods – Results from TeRiFiQ EU project and opportunities for food industry

27 October 2015 ♦ Milan EXPO, Italy

Session I - Less sodium, fat and sugar in everyday foods −the science behind. Session Chair: Christian Salles

Session II - Less sodium, fat and sugar in everyday foods −opportunities for SMEs and industry. Session Chair: Christophe Cotillon

  • Conclusion - Christian Salles

Speakers and round table discussants

Maurizio Notarfonso, FEDERALIMENTARE SERVIZI srl (Italian Food Industry Federation), Italy
Christian Salles, INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research), France
Jean-René Kerjean, ACTALIA (ACTALIA Dairy Products), France
Rune Rødbotten, NOFIMA, Norway
Markus Stieger, WUR (Wageningen University), Netherlands
Peter Wilde, IFR (Institute of Food Research), United Kingdom
Alain Le Bail, ONIRIS (Nantes Atlantic College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering), France
Tim Gumbel, EC DG SANTE (European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety), EU
Christophe Cotillon, ACTIA (The French Network of Food Technology Institutes), France
Igor Bodnár, Firmenich, Switzerland
Alfonso Siani, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), EU [to be confirmed]
Dirk Jacobs, FoodDrinkEurope, Belgium
Agostino Macri, UNC (Unione Nazionale Consumatori)


TeRiFiQ Final Conference, 27th October 2015 at Milan EXPO, Italy. Presentations are online

Project results in a nutshell: TeRiFiQ Infosheets, available in English and many other languages

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
for research, technological development and demonstration