Everyone's talking about it!
December 2019
Food et retirement Details...
August 2016
Food and the fight against inequalities in healthcare environments ALIMS meaning Alimentation et Lutte contre les Inegalites en Milieu de Sante (Food and the fight against inequalities in healthcare environments). The aim of the ALIMS project, led by Clementine Hugol-Gential (CIMEOS Laboratory, Universite de Bourgogne Franche-Comte) is to place meals at the heart of reflections about health, to determine and take account of their role in care processes and to propose innovative ways to manage them.
« Meals don’t cure, but they contribute to well-being », as Clementine Hugol-Gential reminded us at a study day organised in Dijon on the 16th June this year. This meeting brought together philosophers, doctors, researchers, healthcare professionals and food-industry professionals. In fact, meals must not be reduced to a care intervention, to a physiological function. They are also a source of pleasure and conviviality. Meals are a mark of intention towards others and attention to others. They must be at the service of care and taking care.
The ALIMS project is supported by the Programme National pour l’Alimentation (PNA) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).
March 2016
Are elderly citizens satisfied with their food? Details...
December 2015
Processed meat, red meat and cancer. Details...
October 2015
12th to the 18th October 2015: the blue week. Details...
March 2015
Meals at EHPAD: food quality is beating a retreat! Details...