Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : poatr
Synonym(s) of Sc. name:
Classification: Gramineae, Monocotyledonous
Common name: rough meadow-grass
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Gemeines Rispengras ; ES : poa ; FR : pâturin commun ; IT : fienarola comune ; PT : poa-comum ; EN : rough meadow-grass ; NL : ruw beemdgras ; DK : almindelig rapgræs
Biological type: Perennial with stolons
- Shoot folded, leaf sheath flattened.
- Leaf blade 20-50 times longer than broad, leaf glabrous.
- Ligule membranous, acute, auricles absent.
- Height: 5-30 cm. Plant tufted.
- Stem glabrous, with a fibrous root, ascending, terete.
- Leaf flat, acuminate, rough with scabrid sheath, the uppermost longer than the blade. Shining blade beneath. Sheath pink-crimson on 1-2 cm long.
- Inflorescence : big, pyramidal, spreading panicle with lower branches 4-6 together in semi-whorl. Spikelets ovate, 2-4 florets, somewhat hairy, lanate at the base. Unequal and 3-veined glumes. Lemmas lanceolate, ciliate at the base and on margins.
- Fodder plant providing an abundant and high quality hay. Rooting at the nodes. A weed in arable crops, where it acts as an autumn-germinating annual /biennial.
- Biological type: perennial with stolons.
Mistake with: Poa annua , Poa infirma , Lolium rigidum (at seedling stage).
Ecological profile (click on flags): Present Present Present Rare Present Present Present Present