HYPP-A Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie
Weed Science & Agronomy

Bayer Code : lvacr

Scientific name: Lavatera cretica L.

Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Lavatera stenophylla (Willk.) Rouy, Malope multiflora Cav.

Classification: Malvaceae, Dicotyledonous

Common name: smaller tree-mallow

Synonym(s) of Common name:

Name per country: DE : Kretische Strauchpappel ; ES : malva ; FR : lavatéra de Crête ; IT : malvone di Creta ; PT : malva-bastarda ; EN : smaller tree-mallow ;

Biological type: Annual, Biennial

Seedling snapshot Seedling:

-Cotyledons ovate or cordate at the base, sometimes narrow towards the tip, with small rose-purple spot at the junction of the petiole, glabrous and palmately veined.

-Leaves entire, ovate or orbicular, cordate at the base, margin crenate or crenate-serrate with a small rose purple spot at the junction of the petiole.

Adult plant snapshot Adult plant:

-Height 30-200 cm.

-Stem stellate pubescent or subhispid, erect.

-Leaves softly hairy, rounded, cordate base, crenate or crenate- serrate, and with short lobes (5-7).

-Flowers : lilac, 2-8 in fascicule within leaf axil. Petals 14-20 mm, pedicel much shorter than petioles. Sepals triangular-ovate, acuminate, slightly extended against the flower. Bracteoles ovate, free nearly to the base.

-Fruit : Disc shaped when ripe, divided into mericarps, carpels glabrous or pubescent, smooth or slightly ridged on dorsal face with rounded angles.

- Risk of confusion with Malva neglecta , Malva parviflora , Malva sylvestris .

- Biological type : Annual or Biennial.

Mistake with: Malva neglecta , Malva parviflora , Malva sylvestris

Ecological profile (click on flags): Spain   Present     Italy  Present     Portugal  Present    

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