Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : atxha
Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Atriplex hastata auct. non L.
Atriplex patula L. subsp. hastata (L.) Hall & Clementi
Classification: Chenopodiaceae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: spear-leaved orache
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Spießblättrige Melde ; ES : atriplex rastrero ; FR : arroche hastée ; IT : atriplice comune ; PT : arnoles-silvestres ; EN : spear-leaved orache ; NL : spiesmelde ; DK : spyd-mælde
Biological type: Annual
- Cotyledons elliptic, tip rounded, more or less petiolated.
- Leaves entire, ovate or triangular, irregularly dentate.
- Height: 20-100 cm.
- Stems glabrous, erect or decumbent, strongly fluted.
- Leaves petiolate, alternate, triangular rhomboid, almost hastate, entire or with spaced teeth. Two marked lobes at the base, curved towards the top. Leaves up to 10 cm long and 7 cm wide. Early development of the cotyledon buds.
- Flowers greenish in terminal diffuse inflorescences. Bracts diversely shaped, rhomboid, triangular, entire or crenate -dentate. .
- Risk of confusion with Atriplex patula L., Chenopodium album L., Chenopodium ficifolium Sm.
- Biological type: annual.
Mistake with: Atriplex patula , Chenopodium album , Chenopodium ficifolium
Ecological profile (click on flags): Rare Rare Rare Rare Present Present