Chargée de Recherche en Economie Institution : INRAE Tel : Mail : helene.bouscasse@inrae.fr Les publications de Hélène Bouscasse dans HAL Personal website CV |
- Land and housing economics
- Spatial economics : mobility, spatial inequalities
- Econometrics
Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture
Revues en économie :
- Blandin,L., Bouscasse, H., Mathy, S. (2024) Vulmob, a new multidimensional indicator of mobility vulnerability, Energy Economics (In Press)
- Bouscasse, H., & de Lapparent, M. (2020). A rank-dependent utility approach to model intra-and inter-individual heterogeneity in risky choice behaviours. Applied Economics, 52(31), 3337-3353.
- Bouscasse, H., & de Lapparent, M. (2019). Perceived comfort and values of travel time savings in the Rhône-Alpes Region. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 124, 370-387.
- Bouscasse, H., Joly, I., & Peyhardi, J. (2019). A new family of qualitative choice models: An application of reference models to travel mode choice. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 121, 74-91.
- Bouscasse, H., Joly, I., & Bonnel, P. (2018). How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 59, 205-222.
Revues interdisciplinaires :
- Rejeb, R., Bouscasse, H., Chalabaev, A., Mathy, S. (2023). What is the role of active mobility habits in the relationship between self-determination and modal shift intentions? A mediation analysis. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 99, 289-305.
- Teran-Escobar, C., Duché, S., Bouscasse, H., Isoard-Gatheur, S., Juen, P., Lacoste, L., … & Chalabaev, A. (2022). InterMob: a 24-month randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of an intervention including behavioural change techniques and free transport versus an intervention including air pollution awareness-raising on car use reduction among regular car users living in Grenoble, France. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1763.
- Bouscasse, H., Gabet, S., Kerneis, G., Provent, A., Rieux, C., Salem, N. B., … & Slama, R. (2022). Designing local air pollution policies focusing on mobility and heating to avoid a targeted number of pollution-related deaths: Forward and backward approaches combining air pollution modeling, health impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis. Environment International, 159, 107030.
- Morelli, X., Gabet, S., Rieux, C., Bouscasse, H., Mathy, S., & Slama, R. (2019). Which decreases in air pollution should be targeted to bring health and economic benefits and improve environmental justice?. Environment international, 129, 538-550.