Did you know?
August 2016
CLAN (Comite de Liaison Alimentation et Nutrition) Details...
March 2016
Well-being and diet Details...
December 2015

Grandmother, what big teeth you have. Studies are unanimous: good dentition is essential to stop food getting stuck in your throat, to facilitate digestion and to maintain eating pleasure. When you put food into your mouth, chewing breaks it down into small particles that are stuck together by the saliva to form a bolus, which can then be swallowed and digested. Chewing, however, also allows one to appreciate the tenderness of the meat or the spongy texture of a cake. Finally, mastication and salivation contribute to the release of food aromas and flavours, which make eating a pleasure. Good dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist therefore play an important role in successful ageing!
October 2015
The taste of a food, what is it? Details...
March 2015
« At my age, I don’t need to eat as much as I did when I was young », true or false? Details...