Did you know?
August 2016
CLAN (Comite de Liaison Alimentation et Nutrition) Details...
March 2016

Well-being and diet According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 1948), «health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease or disability». In other words, well-being is not only the absence of negative emotions, it is also the presence of positive emotions, whether they are of physical, social, intellectual or spiritual origin.
«If someone says to you well-being and diet, what four words spring to mind». This is the question that Gastón Ares and his associates asked 150 French people aged 18 and over. While the words
"fruit", "vegetables" and "health" were the leading associations, the participants also associated well-being and diet with taste, variety, organic and sharing.
To find out more:
Ares G, de Saldamando L, Gimenez A, Claret A, Cunha LM, Guerrero L, de Moura AP, Oliveira DCR, Symoneaux R and Deliza R (2015). Consumers' associations with wellbeing in a food-related context: A cross-cultural study. Food Quality and Preference, 40, 304-315.
December 2015
Grandmother, what big teeth you have. Details...
October 2015
The taste of a food, what is it? Details...
March 2015
« At my age, I don’t need to eat as much as I did when I was young », true or false? Details...