Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : matin
Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Matricaria inodora L. nom. illegit. Tripleurospermum inodorum Schultz Bip.
Classification: Compositae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: scentless mayweed
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Geruchlose Kamille ; ES : magarza oradada ; FR : matricaire inodore ; IT : camomilla senza odore ; PT : ; EN : scentless mayweed ; NL : reukeloze kamille ;
Biological type: Annual
- Cotyledons elliptic to ovate, rounded tip, sessile.
- Leaves pinnately divided.
- Height: 20-60 cm. Plant completely or almost inodorous.
- Stem branched just from the middle.
- Leaves basal in rosette, dark-green. Leaves glabrous, 2-3-pinnate, with thin, linear, narrow and spiny segments.
- Flowers : disk-florets golden-yellow, 12-20 white ray -florets spread in heads large, terminal, solitary on stems and branches. Bracts ovate, lengthened, almost in rows. Receptacle in semi-sphere or conical, with pith.
- Fruit surrounded with a short membranous crown, not oblique, with 2 small glands at the tip.
- Plant used as insecticide, against disorders of stomach, as tonic and vermifuge.
- Risk of confusion with species of Anacyclus , Anthemis and Chamaemelum , and with Matricaria discoidea DC. and Matricaria recutita L.
- Biological type: annual.
Mistake with: Matricaria discoidea , Matricaria recutita , Anacyclus , Anthemis , Chamaemelum
Ecological profile (click on flags): Present Present Rare Present Present Rare