HYPP-A Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie
Weed Science & Agronomy

Bayer Code : angar

Scientific name: Anagallis arvensis L.

Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Anagallis phoenicea Scopoli, Anagallis platyphyllos Baudo , Anagallis arvensis phoenicea Gouan

Classification: Primulaceae, Dicotyledonous

Common name: scarlet pimpernel

Synonym(s) of Common name:

Name per country: DE : Acker-Gauchheil ; ES : murajes ; FR : mouron rouge ; IT : centonchi dei campi ; PT : morriao ; EN : scarlet pimpernel ; NL : rood guichelheil, NL : rode muur ; DK : rod arve

Biological type: Annual

Seed snapshot Seed:


Seedling snapshotSeedling snapshot Seedling:

- Cotyledons elliptical to ovate, with top in point, sessile. Entire leaves, elliptical to ovate, with entire margin, dotted with black beneath.

Adult plant snapshot Adult plant snapshot Adult plant snapshot Adult plant:

- Height: 10-30 cm.

- Stem square, flat, ascending at flowering, numerous axillaries and creeping before flowering.

- Leaves opposed, sessile, ovate with top discretely pointed, lower face of lamina dotted with black.

- Flowers red, lilac,(rarely white) solitary on slender pedicel becomes curved and rigid at fructification.

- Fruit: capsule half opens, (pyxide) fixed on reflected filiform pedicel.

- Risk of confusion with Lythurum hyssopifolia L., Anagallis foemina Miller.

- Biological type: annual.

Mistake with: Lythrum hyssopifolia , Anagallis foemina

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Copyright © 2000-2001 INRA, all rights reserved ; J.-P. Lonchamp, Nov. 2000
http://www.dijon.inra.fr/bga/hyppa/hyppa-a/angar_ah.htm ,