Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : lythy
Synonym(s) of Sc. name:
Classification: Lythraceae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: grass-poly
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Ysopblättriger Weiderich ; ES : hierba del toro ; FR : lythrum de Graeffer ; IT : salcerella con foglie d'isopo ; PT : salicária-lisa ;
Biological type: Annual
- Cotyledons elliptic, club-shaped tip, more or less stalked.
- Leaves entire, lanceolate, more or less toothed.
- Height: 10-40 cm.
- Stem: prostrate or erect.
- Leaves alternate, variable in form: elliptic at the base, cauline lanceolate, linear above.
- Flowers red purple, small, solitary, axillary. Petals 2-3 mm. Calyx glabrous.
- Fruit numerous-seeded, enclosed in the lengthened calyx.
- Rare in crops. Plant vulnerary, antiscorbutic, melliferous.
- Risk of confusion at the seedling stage with the species of Hypericum and Anagallis .
- Biological type: annual.
Mistake with: Hypericum , Anagallis
Ecological profile (click on flags): Rare Present Rare Present