HYPP-A Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie
Weed Science & Agronomy

Bayer Code : notfr

Scientific name: Nothoscordum borbonicum Kunth

Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Nothoscordum inodorum (Aiton) Nicholson, Allium fragrans Vent., Allium odonum auct. Hisp. non L., Nothoscordum fragrans (vent.) Kunth.

Classification: Liliaceae, Monocotyledonous

Common name: honey-bells

Synonym(s) of Common name:

Name per country: FR : ail bâtard ; IT : aglio della Sicilia ; PT : alho-sem-cheiro ; EN : honey-bells ;

Biological type: Perennial with bulbs


- Plant propagates overall vegetatively (bulbs...); establishment from seedling is rare.

- A single cotyledon, linear.

Adult plant snapshot Adult plant:

- Height: 40-100cm. Plant glabrous with ovoid and whitish bulbs.

- Stem terete, erect, leafy at the base.

- Leaves somewhat glaucous, flat, distichous, 20-40 cm x 4-8 mm.

- Flowers white with a greenish tube, circa 1 cm, in many- flowered umbel. Unequal peduncles, 3 to 5 times longer than the flower. Perianth segments exceeding purplish-anthered stamens and the style.

- Fruit with rough and angular seeds.

- Plant ornamental, at first introduced in the department of Var, native of North America.

- Rare in crops.

- Risk of confusion at seedling stage with Allium polyanthum Schultes et Schul. (which is different by the lack of garlic smell), Narcissus tazetta L..

- Biological type: perennial with bulbs.

Mistake with: Allium polyanthum and Narcissus tazetta (Seedling stage)

Ecological profile (click on flags): France   Rare     Portugal  Present    

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