Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : cynda
Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Capriola dactylon (L.) O. Kuntze, Panicum dactylon L. Digitaria dactylon Scopoli, Dactylon officinale Villars , Paspalum umbellatum Lamarck
Classification: Gramineae, Monocotyledonous
Common name: bermuda-grass
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Hundszahngras ; ES : grama común ; FR : chiendent pied de poule ; IT : gramigna rampicante ; PT : grama ; EN : bermuda-grass ;
Biological type: Perennial with rhizomes, Perennial with stolons
- Plant propagates overall vegetatively (rhizomes and stolons ) establishment from seedling is rare.
- Shoot folded, leaf sheath flattened.
- Leaf blade 10 times longer than broad, leaf more or less hairy.
- Ligule surrounded with a ring of hairs, auricles absent, basal tuft of hairs on each side of the blade.
- Height: 10-40cm.
- Stem erect, prostrate-geniculate and ascending, branched.
- Leaves distichous, glaucous, short, flat. Rhizomatous buds give numerous erect shoots, which generate stolons.
- Inflorescence : 4-7 racemes spike -like, digitate, very slender, up to 5 cm. Spikelets solitary, alternate. Glumes subequal, somewhat spreading, acute, scabrous on the keel. Floret glumes beardless, folded-keeled.
- Fruits : caryopsis glabrous, oblong, side-compressed.
- Plant cultivated in hot countries as fodder and lawn, resistant to dryness. Rhizomes used as diuretic and refreshing herbal tea.
- Risk of confusion with Paspalum paspalodes .
- Biological type: Perennial with rhizomes and stolons.
Mistake with: Paspalum distichum
Ecological profile (click on flags): Present Present Present Present