Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : ssyir
Synonym(s) of Sc. name:
Classification: Cruciferae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: london-rocket
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Schlaffe Rauke ; ES : matacandil ; FR : sisymbre irio ; IT : erba cornacchia irida ; PT : ; EN : london-rocket ;
Biological type: Annual, Biennial
- Cotyledons elongate, spoon-shaped.
- Leaves entire, ovate to deltoid, irregularly dentate then pinnately divided.
- Height: 20-80 cm. Plant glabrous or lanate.
- Stem erect, simple or branched.
- Leaves stalked, runcinate -pinnate, with dentate lobes, the terminal larger than the lateral ones, hastate and lengthened in the upper leaves; lateral lobes more or less perpendicular to the midvein and usually downward-directed.
- Flowers yellow, small, the upper overtopped by the young siliquae; sepals 2 to 4 times shorter than the pedicel.
- Fruit 4 cm long with stalks 6-10 mm long and narrower than the fruit; in fruiting and ascending racemes. Siliqua ascending, long, glabrous; valve 3-veined ; seeds small, yellow, smooth on a single row.
- Biological type: annual or biennial.
Ecological profile: Present Present Rare