Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : rumaa
Synonym(s) of Sc. name:
Classification: Polygonaceae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: sheep's sorrel
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Kleiner Sauerampfer ; ES : acedera menor ; FR : petite oseille ; IT : romice acetosella ; PT : erva-azeda ; EN : sheep's sorrel ; NL : schapezuring ; DK : rodknæ
Biological type: Perennial with rhizomes
- Cotyledons elliptic or ovate, rounded tip, more or less stalked.
- Leaves entire, elliptic or ovate, more or less dentate.
- Height: 30-50 cm. Plant reddish, often glaucous.
- Stem erect or ascending, simple or branched.
- Lower leaves in rosette, till the 3-4 leaves stage; at first rounded, then early with a narrow blade, ovate-elongate with 2 forward-directed, spreading or erect lobes, bi- or tri-fid (rarely attenuate at base). Upper leaves hastate, with a long channelled stalk; leaf sheath (ochrea ) white, membranous, more or less lacerate at the apex.
- Flowers reddish or sometimes dull blue-green, small, in slender, lax and leafless panicle ; short pedicels jointed beneath the perianth, unisexual (dioecious plant).
- Fruit with fruiting valves small, herbaceous, ovate, entire, no longer than the fruit, smooth.
- Plant eaten by cattle and, especially, by sheep, sometimes cultivated as ornamental plant. Stem and roots are refreshing.
- Biological type: perennial with rhizomes.
Ecological profile (click on flags): Present Present Present Present Present Present Present