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Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : myora
Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Myosotis collina auct. plur. non Hoffm Myosotis gracillima Loscos & Pardo, Myosotis hispida Schlecht.
Classification: Boraginaceae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: early forget-me-not
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Hügel-Vergißmeinnicht ; FR : myosotis des collines ; IT : nontiscordardimé ramosissimo ; PT : miosote-azul ; EN : early forget-me-not ;
Biological type: Annual, Biennial
- Cotyledons lengthened, spoon-like.
- Leaves entire, elliptic or ovate, entire-margined.
- Height: 5-30 cm. Plant hairy bristly.
- Stem: flowering slender, erect or ascending.
- Leaves lower in rosette. Leaves covered with spreading hairs, blade ovate, the lower somewhat spatulate.
- Flowers blue very rarely white or white blue-margined in scorpioid cymes. Cymes much lengthening during their evolution and the faded flowers are more and more distant. Corolla 1-2 mm long, tube shorter than the calyx. The 5 lobes of the corolla are concave.
- Fruits dry indehiscent with very hard walls, 1-seeded. Fruits 4-celled, cells brown, shining, ovoid and nearly acute at apex.
- Rare in crops and protected in Britain (decree 23/07/87).
- Risk of confusion with the other species of Myosotis .
- Biological type: annual or biennial.
Mistake with: Myosotis
Ecological profile (click on flags):