Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : musco
Synonym(s) of Sc. name: Muscari pharmacusanum (Heldr.) Boiss., Muscari tubiflorum Steven , Muscari tenuiflorum subsp. charrelii (Heldr. ex Rouy.) Hayck Leopoldia comosa (L.) Parl.
Classification: Liliaceae, Monocotyledonous
Common name: tassel hyacinth
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Schopfige Träubelhyazinthe ; ES : jacinto silvestre ; FR : muscari à toupet ; IT : giacinto dal pennacchio ; PT : jacinto-das-searas ; EN : tassel hyacinth ;
Biological type: Perennial with bulbs
- Plant propagates overall vegetatively (bulbs...); establishment from seedling is rare.
- A single cotyledon, linear, glabrous.
- Leaf progressively broadening; leaves flat, broad (1 cm).
- Height: 30-60 cm.
- Stem erect.
- Leaves attenuate at the both ends, 6-12 mm broad, channelled above, minutely denticulate and rough on margins, clasping the lower part of the stem. Leaves at least as long as the stem.
- Flowers lower brownish, with short and spreading peduncle, horizontal, distant; upper blue-purple in lax racemes very lengthened. Flowers without scent, those of the terminal raceme sterile; long and erect peduncles.
- Fruit : capsule opening by 3-angled-rounded subovates 3 valves.
- A variety called lilac of earth or hyacinth of Sienna is cultivated.
- Biological type: perennial with bulbs.
Ecological profile (click on flags): Present Present Present Present