HYPP-A Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie
Weed Science & Agronomy

Bayer Code : fumva

Scientific name: Fumaria vaillantii Loiselier

Synonym(s) of Sc. name:

Classification: Papaveraceae, Dicotyledonous

Common name: few-flowered fumitory

Synonym(s) of Common name:

Name per country: DE : Buschiger Erdrauch ; ES : palomilla de hoja fina ; FR : fumeterre de Vaillant ; IT : fumaria di Vaillant ; PT : catarinas ; EN : few-flowered fumitory ;

Biological type: Annual

Seedling snapshot Seedling:

- Cotyledons very narrow and lengthened (up to 10 times longer than wide).

- Leaves pinnately divided.

Adult plant snapshotAdult plant snapshot Adult plant:

- Height: 10-30 cm.

- Stem erect or ascending, branched, glabrous, somewhat canaliculate.

- Leaves lower in rosette ; leaves 2-3-pinnatisect, one vein distinct beneath. Later leaves blue-green, glabrous, downy, 1-4-pinnatisect with segments sometimes 3 mm broad and mostly acuminate ; chanelled at base.

- Flowers light-pink or whitish, small, dark-purple at the apex, 6-16 in short raceme, with a spur and lanceolate bracts. Corolla 6 mm. Sepals very small, lanceolate and narrow.

- Fruit : capsule rounded, indehiscent with one seed, not keeled, rough when ripe. Peduncle as long as fruit and bract.

- Rare in crops.

- Risk of confusion at seedling stage with the other species of Fumaria .

- Biological type: Annual.

Mistake with: Fumaria

Ecological profile (click on flags): Germany   Rare     Spain  Rare     France  Rare     Italy  Rare    

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Copyright © 2000-2001 INRA, all rights reserved ; J.-P. Lonchamp, Nov. 2000
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