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Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie Weed Science & Agronomy INRA-Dijon |
Bayer Code : carhi
Synonym(s) of Sc. name:
Classification: Cruciferae, Dicotyledonous
Common name: hairy bitter-cress
Synonym(s) of Common name:
Name per country: DE : Behaartes Schaumkraut ; ES : mastuerzo menor ; FR : cardamine hirsute ; IT : billeri primaticcio ; PT : agriao-menor ; EN : hairy bitter-cress ; NL : kleine veldkers ;
Biological type: Annual
- Cotyledons elongated spoon shaped.
- First leaves reniform, entire, then divided pinnate.
- Height: 10-30 cm. Plant strigose at base, with tap root.
- Stem flexuous, ramifying, angular, glabrous or glabrescent, slightly leafy.
- Lower leaves in rosette ; alternate leaves pinnatisect (5-9 lobs), dark green. Cauline leaves smaller, pinnatisect (1-3 lobs), sparsely hairy, petiolate and slightly numerous.
- White flowers, small, in raceme, overtaken by lower silicules.
- Fruits : linear silicules, more narrow towards top, 18-25 mm long, 0,8-1 mm wide. Seeds rectangular, brown, small, not winged.
- Biological type: annual.
Ecological profile (click on flags):